Being new to OmniStar Financial Group and having recently moved from Southern California I’ve had some aha moments since commencing my employment at OSFG. I have experienced receiving service from and working for various businesses. Over the years, I’ve become disheartened by the common mantra that “we’re in it for the bottom line and we’ll stop at nothing to get there!”
What drew me to OSFG was their passion for building relationships with clients and providing the best possible service with accountability, a client-centered approach, commitment, integrity, a WOW environment, and a dedication to the greater good. These are the Core Values of OSFG (you’ll find them on the website), and as I sit at my desk, I am in awe that I get to work alongside a team that truly lives and breathes these values.
During my interview with Phil and Nicole, they spoke about the type of environment they strive to cultivate—one that upholds high standards and strong character. As I listened, I couldn’t help but picture a salmon swimming upstream.
Salmon swim upstream as part of their reproductive life cycle. They are born in freshwater rivers, spend most of their lives in the ocean, and then return to their birthplace to lay eggs, ensuring the survival and growth of the next generation.
In life, we, too, must swim upstream for survival and success. Growth requires effort, and while it would be easy to drift downstream and simply go with the flow, true progress demands perseverance.
We must swim upstream to make a positive difference in the world. As Neale Donald Walsch said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” It’s not always comfortable to think about and serve others. But the more we exercise that muscle, it becomes easier and more comfortable.
We must swim upstream to align with our beliefs. Drifting downstream leads to negativity, unhealthy relationships, and a loss of hope. We must not become captive to our environment. While the world promotes narcissism and belly gazing, we must choose the narrow gate and walk humbly with our God.
We must swim upstream to become the best versions of ourselves—the masterpiece God created us to be. He calls us to be in the world but not of the world. This journey is not easy. It requires tenacity and a reliance on God’s strength to press forward each day.
All of this leads me to share just one story from my very first week at OSFG—a time when the team swam upstream with intention, together.
Phil’s church, Pine Valley Methodist, hosts a dinner for their Celebrate Recovery group every Friday night. Most of these dinners consist of pizza, subs, or fast food. But under Phil’s watch, this would not be the case. He decided that we would prepare a three-course, homemade, sit-down meal for these special guests. Phil provided all the ingredients, and with the help of the entire OSFG team and his Sunday School class, the meal was prepared and served.
The menu began with an arugula salad topped with homemade candied pecans, apples, goat cheese, and balsamic dressing. The main course featured lamb ragout over polenta cakes, and for dessert, a flourless chocolate cake with a drizzle of raspberry coulis. Some attendees said they had never been served such a beautiful and delicious meal.
This is just one of many stories I have experienced in my short time at OSFG. My once-disheartened state of mind is melting into a joy I never imagined a job could bring. My heart delights in coming to work each day, knowing that everything I do is for God’s glory, the client’s best interests, and the greater community.
And may I suggest you try out Phil’s recipe for Flourless Chocolate Cake with a drizzle of raspberry coulis, provided below? It would be a wonderful reprieve from all that upstream swimming!