Comprehensive Qualified Retirement Plans to Attract and Retain Top Talent


Committed to you and your employees

OmniStar is committed to your employees’ retirement and building a plan that helps you retain top-tier talent. Our team of experienced plan specialists leverages their knowledge to help plan sponsors manage their retirement plans, drive results, and support efficient operations.

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We understand the challenges faced by many businesses like yours, and our experience allows us to deliver the most appropriate solutions. Our comprehensive approach gives you the confidence to meet fiduciary obligations and provide a retirement plan for today’s demanding workforce.

  • Fiduciary Services: 3(21), 3(38) and Managed Accounts
  • Plan Design and Implementation
  • Onsite Education and Enrollment
  • Retirement Counseling and Financial Planning
  • Independent Investment Advice

Ready to change the status quo or learn more about how we deliver value to employers and employees?

How do you prioritize your 401(k)?

Employers looking to improve morale and attract top talent will do well to provide the right advice from qualified professionals. Our advisory services can help. Research shows people seek professional help for many life tasks, with fewer people reaching out for 401(k) management advice.

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Income tax preparation




401(k) allocations

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Our areas of focus include:

  • Plan governance and compliance
  • ERISA Section 3(21) or 3(38) fiduciary
  • Employee education, on-site and online
  • Financial wellness programs
  • Fee and service benchmarking
  • Investment management
  • Plan design and maintenance
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